Melissa Aguilar Rojas (1990) es diseñadora gráfica, ilustradora e investigadora de Costa Rica, residiendo
en Ciudad de México. Es Master por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, en la Facultad de
Arte y Diseño. Melissa se dedica a la intersección del arte y la tecnología, nuevos medios, museos y
educación artística.
Colaboró del 2016 al 2019 con la Fundación Costa Rica para la Innovación, y es miembro de la junta del Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM) dentro del Comité Nacional de Costa Rica.
Ha trabajado con el Museo de Arte Costarricense, y colaborado en proyectos del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica.
Su corazón lo ocupan tres proyectos en curso: Cyborgrrrls (desde 2018), Radio Cósmica Libre (2019) y el Club Atlético de Dibujar MX (2016).
Puedes checar su trabajo en el website:
ig: m3li.mi3l
Melissa Aguilar (1990) is a graphic designer, visual artist and researcher from Costa Rica, based in Mexico City. Master from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Art and Design (UNAM-FAD), and member of ICOM Costa Rica. Melissa is dedicated to art and tech, new media, museums, and art education.
She collaborated with Fundacion Costa Rica para la Innovacion (Costarican Foundation for Innovation) from 2016 to 2019 and is a board member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) at the National Committee of Costa Rica.
She has previously worked at the Museum of Costa Rican Art and collaborated with the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and Youth.
Her heart is taken by three ongoing projects: Cyborgrrrls (since 2018), Radio Cósmica Libre (2019) and The Athletic Drawing Club (Club Atlético de Dibujar MX) (2016).
Check her work in the website:
ig: m3li.mi3l
Colaboró del 2016 al 2019 con la Fundación Costa Rica para la Innovación, y es miembro de la junta del Consejo Internacional de Museos (ICOM) dentro del Comité Nacional de Costa Rica.
Ha trabajado con el Museo de Arte Costarricense, y colaborado en proyectos del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica.
Su corazón lo ocupan tres proyectos en curso: Cyborgrrrls (desde 2018), Radio Cósmica Libre (2019) y el Club Atlético de Dibujar MX (2016).
Puedes checar su trabajo en el website:
ig: m3li.mi3l
Melissa Aguilar (1990) is a graphic designer, visual artist and researcher from Costa Rica, based in Mexico City. Master from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, Faculty of Art and Design (UNAM-FAD), and member of ICOM Costa Rica. Melissa is dedicated to art and tech, new media, museums, and art education.
She collaborated with Fundacion Costa Rica para la Innovacion (Costarican Foundation for Innovation) from 2016 to 2019 and is a board member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) at the National Committee of Costa Rica.
She has previously worked at the Museum of Costa Rican Art and collaborated with the Costa Rican Ministry of Culture and Youth.
Her heart is taken by three ongoing projects: Cyborgrrrls (since 2018), Radio Cósmica Libre (2019) and The Athletic Drawing Club (Club Atlético de Dibujar MX) (2016).
Check her work in the website:
ig: m3li.mi3l